Esther Day
I know I mainly focus on my passion of editing on this blog, because I love editing but, today I want to talk about a different kind of love. Seven years ago a girl named Esther Grace Earl lost her battle with cancer and was taken from the world at the age of 16. You can read her full story here.
I didn't know Esther personally, but she touched and continued to touch many lives to this day. Esther wanted there to be a dedicated day for people to appreciate the other people in their lives. The people they love but she not in a romantic way. She wanted the love you have for your parents, your close friends, your pets, to have a day that is acknowledged and celebrated. After her death, the nerd-fighter community started Esther Day on her birthday, August 3rd, as the dedicated day for non-romantic love. That is why every year on August 3rd I, and many others, make an effort to tell someone close to them that they love them; even, if that's hard to do. If you want to celebrate Esther Day, make sure to take a moment to tell the people in your life that you love them.
Happy Esther Day - Kody with a K