Music Video Shoot
Over the weekend I got to be on set as the DIT for the music video I'm editing this month. It's not often I get to be on set but every time I've been on set I've always found it to be a fun experience. This time I was there to work though. Being the DIT, I got to test out an app I'd never used before called Hedge for Mac. I've heard many good things about it from a podcast I listen to called Go Creative Show. I have got to say they didn't leave me astray. Hedge for Mac is so simple, user friend and most importantly copies media fast with a checksum for each file. For some perspective, it took 7 minutes pre 120GB RED mag to copy. I'm now back in the office, and I've begun syncing footage, and I'm happy with what we got. The crew has another shoot this weekend. Hopefully, they can get by without the editor on set.